HARRISBURG – Senate Appropriations Committee Chair Scott Martin (R-13) issued the following statement today reacting to Governor Shapiro’s plan to make significant changes to Pennsylvania’s post-secondary education system:
“It is clear that Pennsylvania needs to do more to reverse the troubling economic and demographic challenges we face, and that starts with attracting more students to our post-secondary educational and job-credentialing opportunities that point them toward needed, family-sustaining careers here in the Commonwealth.
“Examining the post-secondary higher education system as a whole and exploring potential efficiencies is a good first step in this process, but the big question is how much these plans will cost taxpayers in the long run and whether that investment will benefit Pennsylvania’s economic and demographic growth.
“I look forward to engaging in further discussions with the Shapiro Administration and my colleagues in the legislature about how we can better meet the educational needs of students and the workforce development needs of job creators in a way that is affordable for students, families and taxpayers.”
CONTACT: Jason Thompson