HARRISBURG – Senate Appropriations Committee Chair Senator Scott Martin (R-Lancaster) issued the following statement today following the announcement that Moody’s Investor Services has affirmed Pennsylvania’s current Bond Rating and revised the state’s financial outlook from “Stable” to “Positive”:
“For years, Senate Republicans have resisted calls for billions in new spending and taxes and fought for more responsible and sustainable approaches to budgeting. We made it a top priority over the past three years to build up our Rainy Day Fund and avoid recklessly draining fund balances and budgetary reserves. We also avoided dangerous pitfalls like spending one-time emergency funds on recurring expenses. It is encouraging to know that all these responsible decisions are making a real difference.
“We have done everything in our power to protect taxpayer dollars and put our Commonwealth on better financial footing, and this announcement shows that we are on the right track. This news confirms that Pennsylvania is stronger today because of the tough choices we have made over the past several years. It also serves as a valuable reminder that we shouldn’t deviate from that path in the years ahead.”
CONTACT: Jason Thompson