Senator Martin E-Newsletter

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New Session Brings Flurry of Activity

The opening weeks of a new two-year legislative session often feature a flood of bills being introduced or re-introduced in the General Assembly, and this year is no exception. In the first several weeks of 2019, I have already introduced eight bills designed to address needs and priorities in local communities, including legislation that would:

In the weeks ahead, I look forward to re-introducing a number of other measures I authored previously to help build stronger communities, including bills that would:

In addition, I look forward to introducing a number of new bills, including measures that would:

  • create work requirements for able-bodied Medicaid recipients (with Senator Dave Argall).
  • ensure public sector employees understand all of their rights pertaining to union membership and fees.
  • authorize school districts to advertise public notices in a more flexible and cost-effective manner.
  • require the Auditor General to conduct an audit of the Pennsylvania Statewide Radio Network (with Senator Bob Mensch).
  • reform government per diem claims by requiring receipts for reimbursements (with Senators Pat Stefano and John DiSanto).
  • make necessary, bipartisan improvements to Pennsylvania’s election system in order to improve voter access and reduce costs (with Senators Mike Folmer, Judy Schwank, Tom Killion and Pat Stefano).

Local Government Committee Leadership Announced

I was honored recently to be appointed by Senate President Pro Tempore Joe Scarnati to serve as Chairman of the Senate Local Government Committee. I previously headed this committee as Acting Chair following the resignation of former Chairman Scott Wagner last June, and I appreciate the chance to take on this responsibility for the next two years during the 2019-20 Legislative Session.

The committee is responsible for reviewing legislation that affects more than 2,500 county and municipal government entities in Pennsylvania. My main goal as Chairman will be to work with local government leaders and my colleagues to find ways to deliver government services more efficiently and effectively.

More information about the committee’s activities is available here.

2019 Farm Show Showcases Best of Pennsylvania Agriculture

The Pennsylvania Farm Show in Harrisburg highlights the incredible contributions of the state’s agriculture community. I appreciated the chance to visit some of our local exhibitors and vendors who helped make this year’s show an overwhelming success.

I had the opportunity to visit the Frey Livestock Supply stand and talk to Nancy Frey, a second-generation farmer from Drumore Township, about her family business. Our interview is available here.

I also had a chance to meet with Brian Moyer of PA Farm Markets to learn more about one of the 2019 Farm Show’s best new attractions. Video of our interview is available here.

Congratulations to all of the local participants who took part in this year’s Farm Show for making our communities proud!

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