Senator Martin E-Newsletter

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In This Update:

  • Martin Legislation to Provide New Resources for Pediatric Cancer Research Advances in Senate
  • Martin Bills Addressing District Attorney Vacancies Signed Into Law
  • Legislation Sponsored by Martin and Aument to help Schools Find Substitute Teachers passes Education Committee
  • Senate Panel Approves Martin Resolution Calling for End of Clock Changing
  • After Wolf’s Blunder, Senate Votes to Support Victims of Childhood Sexual Abuse
  • Bipartisan Election Integrity Committee Meets to Gather State and Local Insights
  • Budget Hearings Focus on Job Creation, Broadband, Corrections Costs
  • Personal Income Tax Filing Deadlines Extended to May 17
  • Eight Counties Added to Spotted Lanternfly Quarantine
  • PennDOT CDL and Learner’s Permit Extensions End March 31

Martin Legislation to Provide New Resources for Pediatric Cancer Research Advances in Senate

On Wednesday, the Senate Finance Committee approved my bill that could generate up to $100 million in private donations over the next decade to support childhood cancer research.  Senate Bill 74 unanimously passed out of committee and is now headed to the full Senate.  Late last week I was able to meet with families affected by pediatric cancer.  The families shared their stories about how pediatric cancer has impacted their lives and why more resources are needed to help develop treatments.

Martin Bills Addressing District Attorney Vacancies Signed Into Law

Three bills that were sponsored by Senator Baker and I, that would provide uniformity and consistency to the process of filling county district attorney vacancies, were signed into law this passed week.  Senate Bills 84, 85, and 86, now referred to as Acts 7, 8, and 9 of 2021, make the succession plans for a district attorney vacancy more consistent and transparent. 

Legislation Sponsored by Martin and Aument to help Schools Find Substitute Teachers passes Education Committee

The Senate Education Committee approved legislation sponsored by Senator Aument and me on Tuesday that will help ensure Pennsylvania schools have additional opportunities to find qualified substitute teachers.  Senate Bill 381 would make permanent a temporary program that was originally created in 2016 that allowed for individuals training to be teachers to serve as a substitute teacher. 

Senate Panel Approves Martin Resolution Calling for End of Clock Changing

The Senate State Government Committee approved my resolution on Tuesday that calls for daylight saving time to be made permanent in order to eliminate the twice-yearly time changes.  Senate Resolution 36 urges Congress to make daylight saving time permanent, something that 14 states have enacted legislation in support of over the past three years.  Studies show that that the twice-a-year change results in more accidents, health problems and a lost of productivity or more than $400 million annually.

After Wolf’s Blunder, Senate Votes to Support Victims of Childhood Sexual Abuse

The Senate re-started the process this week to amend the Pennsylvania Constitution to allow victims of childhood sexual abuse to file lawsuits against their abusers even if the statute of limitations had expired. The resolution would address the issue after an egregious blunder by the Wolf Administration will prevent the amendment from appearing on the ballot in the spring primary election on May 18.

Lawmakers approved a proposed Constitutional amendment that would create a two-year window for retroactive lawsuits for victims whose statute of limitations has already expired. However, the Wolf Administration failed to properly advertise the amendment, meaning sexual assault survivors must now wait until 2023 at the earliest for the measure to be considered by voters.

Lawmakers weighed several different options to fully rectify the Wolf Administration’s blunder. However, none of these options – including an emergency amendment to the Constitution or legislation to open a two-year window for lawsuits – were likely to withstand legal challenges and would have provided false hope to sexual assault survivors.

Creating a window for retroactive lawsuits would complete all the recommendations of a 2018 Grand Jury Report that detailed shocking cases of the sexual abuse of children.

Lawmakers have already created laws to address the other recommendations, including eliminating the criminal statute of limitations for future cases of sexual abuse of a child, as well as associated crimes such as human trafficking; extending the deadline for civil actions from age 30 to age 55; clarifying mandatory reporting standards for suspected cases of abuse; increasing penalties for mandated reporters who continue to fail to report suspected child abuse; and ensuring survivors who sign non-disclosure statements are not prohibited from speaking with law enforcement regarding their abuse.

Bipartisan Election Integrity Committee Meets to Gather State and Local Insights

The bipartisan Special Committee on Election Integrity and Reform held its second public hearing on Tuesday to gather testimony on the administration of the election from state and local officials, including representatives from the Department of State, county election officials and county commissioners.

State residents are encouraged to submit their thoughts and comments through the online form.

Budget Hearings Focus on Job Creation, Broadband, Corrections Costs

The Senate Appropriations Committee continued to study Governor Wolf’s budget proposal on Monday with budget hearings with the Department of Community and Economic Development (DCED), the Department of Corrections and the Board of Probation and Parole.

The conversation with DCED focused on programs designed to spur job growth, including tax credits to support manufacturing and other critical industries. Members of the committee also raised concerns about the governor’s proposed cuts to broadband funding for underserved areas.

Lawmakers also learned during the Corrections hearing that the number of inmates was reduced by more than 6,000 over the past year, which is the largest drop in Pennsylvania history, with an anticipated further reduction of 2,000 inmates next year.

Budget hearings are scheduled to continue on April 6.

Personal Income Tax Filing Deadlines Extended to May 17

The deadline for taxpayers to file their state and federal personal income tax returns has been extended from April 15 to May 17. The extension provides additional time for taxpayers to navigate the difficulties stemming from the COVID-19 pandemic. The extension applies both to tax filing and payments.

Pennsylvania taxpayers can now file their state personal income tax returns online at

Eight Counties Added to Spotted Lanternfly Quarantine

The spotted lanternfly is an invasive species that feeds on many types of plants that are important to Pennsylvania’s economy. Eight counties were recently added to the quarantine zone, bringing the statewide total to 34 counties under restriction.

One estimate found that under a worst-case scenario, the spotted lanternfly could lead to more than $550 million in expected losses for Pennsylvania’s economy and nearly 5,000 jobs lost. Pennsylvanians are encouraged to report sightings of the spotted lanternfly by calling 1-888-422-3359 and to destroy any egg masses or spotted lanternflies they see.

PennDOT CDL and Learner’s Permit Extensions End March 31

The expiration dates for commercial driver licenses (CDL) and commercial learner’s permits have been extended several times during the COVID-19 pandemic. The final extension is scheduled to expire on March 31, and no additional extensions are expected to be offered.

Motorists who are covered by extensions that run from March 16, 2020, through March 31, 2021, are encouraged to renew these licenses and permits as soon as possible before they expire next week.


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