Senator Martin E-Newsletter

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In this Update:

  • Martin Selected for Executive Committee of Chesapeake Bay Commission
  • Senate Accomplishments: Education
  • Farmers and Mental Health Discussed by Senate Committee
  • Caring for Dogs in Winter: The Law
  • Jan. 21 Transportation “Innovations Challenge” Deadline
  • Martin Luther King Jr. Day

Martin Selected for Executive Committee of Chesapeake Bay Commission

I am honored and humbled to have been selected as a member of the tri-state Chesapeake Bay Commission’s Executive Committee for 2022.  The Executive Committee is comprised of two members from each of the Commission’s three Delegations representing Pennsylvania, Maryland and Virginia.

The Chesapeake Bay Commission works to identify critical environmental needs, evaluate public concerns, and ensure state and Federal actions to sustain the living resources of the Chesapeake Bay. This Commission has a long history of pursuing bi-partisan and results-oriented policies, and I am honored to be part of its leadership team.  Since I was first appointed to the Commission in 2019, I have learned a great deal from my Maryland and Virginia colleagues about why they are passionate about the Bay, and they have also learned why Pennsylvania is committed to an approach that focuses on our own local rivers and streams.  Clean water benefits us all and I look forward to continuing my work in this new capacity. Learn more here.

Senate Accomplishments: Education

Senate Accomplishments - Education

Building on last year’s efforts, Senate Republicans will continue their work in 2022 to ensure students receive a proper education during the shifting elements of the pandemic.

In 2021, the Senate acted to allocate $500 million in federal funds to help ensure schools reopened, sustained safe operation and addressed student needs resulting from the pandemic. For students who experienced learning loss, the Senate passed a new law allowing parents the option to have their child repeat a grade level during the 2021-22 school year due to COVID-19. 

Other legislation passed by the Senate eased school staffing shortages by making permanent a temporary program that gave schools an option to use teachers-in-training as substitutes and providing schools with more hiring flexibility for day-to-day substitutes.

You can find more key education bills passed by the Senate here.  

Farmers and Mental Health Discussed by Senate Committee

Mental Health in Agriculture

The Senate Agriculture and Rural Affairs Committee this week held a discussion about mental health in agriculture at the Pennsylvania Farm Show Complex and Expo Center.

The panel heard from Secretary of Agriculture Russell Redding, mental health professionals and others about the unique challenges faced by farmers.

Pennsylvania recently received a two-year, $500,000 federal grant to bolster mental health services and resources for the agricultural community, and the Department of Agriculture is launching a statewide education and awareness campaign in February. The department is working with the national AgriSafe Network to provide a 24/7 mental health hotline for agricultural producers in the near future.

Caring for Dogs in Winter: The Law

Winter Dog Care

Now that cold weather is upon us, I’d like to remind you of the 2017 law designed to prevent animal cruelty in harsh conditions, particularly involving dogs.  

Under Act 10 of 2017, an unattended dog may be tethered for no more than nine hours in a 24-hour period and must meet the following criteria: 

  • The dog may not be tethered for longer than 30 minutes in temperatures below 32 degrees or above 90 degrees Fahrenheit.
  • The tether must be of a type commonly used for the size and breed of dog and at least three times the length of the dog or 10 feet, whichever is longer.
  • The tether must be secured to a well-fitted collar or harness by means of a swivel anchor, swivel latch or other mechanism designed to prevent the dog from becoming entangled.
  • The tethered dog must have access to water and an area of shade to escape the direct rays of the sun.

Penalties range from up to 90 days in jail and/or a $300 fine for neglect to seven years in jail and/or a $15,000 for aggravated cruelty. You can read more about Pennsylvania’s animal cruelty laws here.

Jan. 21 Transportation “Innovations Challenge” Deadline

Transportation Innovations Challenge

High school students have until Jan. 21 to submit entries in the Pennsylvania Department of Transportation’s latest Innovations Challenge. The contest encourages students to use their problem-solving and creative abilities to solve real-world transportation challenges in a competition among their peers.

This year’s Innovations Challenge asks students to develop a comprehensive and cost-effective public engagement strategy, beyond the current public engagement procedures (outlined in Publication 295) that uses innovative technologies and tools that PennDOT can implement to more effectively engage and connect with all age groups during the transportation planning and project development process.

Regional challenge winners will be selected and invited to compete for the state championship, which will be held in spring. The first-place team wins $4,000.

Martin Luther King Jr. Day

  Martin Luther King Day 

Monday is Martin Luther King Jr. Day across America. It’s a time to rededicate ourselves to bridging divides and fostering true racial harmony.

“I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character.” – Rev. Martin Luther King Jr.


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