Senator Martin E-Newsletter

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In this Update:

  • Last Chance: Share Your Stories on Inflation
  • Leading Efforts to Protect the Chesapeake Bay
  • Senate Votes to Let Citizens Decide Voter ID, Legal Relief for Sexual Abuse Victims, Regulatory Reform
  • Senate Approves Bill to Eliminate Gas Tax Increase, Help Pennsylvanians at the Pump
  • Virtual Job Fair Set for Wednesday, Jan. 18
  • Anti-Litter Contest Open to K-6 Students
  • Monday is Martin Luther King Jr. Day

Last Chance: Share Your Stories on Inflation

Inflation ranks among the most serious concerns in public opinion polls throughout Pennsylvania. I am inviting community residents of the 13th Senatorial District (parts of Lancaster and Berks counties) to offer their thoughts on inflation – and how state government should respond – in my newest legislative survey.

The final day to complete the survey is Friday, January 13.

The questionnaire should only take a few minutes to complete, and the results will help inform the decisions I make in Harrisburg. You can complete the survey here:

Leading Efforts to Protect the Chesapeake Bay

Although Pennsylvania has made great progress in improving our water quality in recent years, we still face great changes in meeting the federal government’s pollution reduction mandates in the Chesapeake Bay watershed. I was honored recently to be elected to lead a key multi-state panel designed to advise state legislators on best policies and practices to protect this vital resource.

As the new Chair of the Chesapeake Bay Commission, I look forward to working with all parties to find solutions that are both effective in reducing pollution and cost-efficient for taxpayers and businesses. More information is available here.

Senate Votes to Let Citizens Decide Voter ID, Legal Relief for Sexual Abuse Victims, Regulatory Reform

The Senate passed legislation this week that will let voters decide whether the Pennsylvania Constitution should be amended to create a voter ID requirement, provide sexual abuse victims with a way to sue their abusers and reform the state regulatory review process.

Thirty-five states have voter photo ID requirements, and a 2021 Franklin and Marshall College poll found that 74% of Pennsylvania voters said the commonwealth should join them in making elections more secure.

Senate Bill 1 also includes a proposed constitutional amendment that will create a two-year window to allow sexual abuse victims to sue their abusers. Victims of sexual abuse who were abused as children have been unable to seek justice after the age of 30 due to a statute of limitations provision in Pennsylvania law.

In addition, Senate Bill 1 includes a separate proposed amendment that would allow the General Assembly to reject a regulation by majority approval, as opposed to a two-thirds vote, in both legislative chambers.

Under Pennsylvania’s current regulatory review process, the executive branch has circumvented the General Assembly and the normal legislative process, ignoring any legislative or public input that runs counter to executive branch regulatory goals.

The General Assembly previously approved the amendments in the 2021-22 legislative session. Approval of Senate Bill 1 this session would let voters have their say.

Senate Approves Bill to Eliminate Gas Tax Increase, Help Pennsylvanians at the Pump

Inflation driven by the anti-energy policies of the Biden and Wolf Administrations recently led to an automatic increase in Pennsylvania’s gas tax that went into effect January 1.

The Senate passed legislation this week that would eliminate this increase going forward. 

This bill is only the first step in developing a comprehensive plan to fund our transportation infrastructure needs going forward.

Virtual Job Fair Set for Wednesday, Jan. 18

The Pennsylvania National Guard Associations will be holding a virtual job fair Wednesday, Jan. 18.

Jobseekers should be prepared to interview online with hiring managers and recruiters from top hiring companies. This online chat will connect the public directly with organizations.

After signing in, participants will be able to explore the available information and opportunities and participate in live one-on-one, text-based chats with representatives from participating organizations. Participants may also visit the job fair before and after the live event to continue making connections with top employers.

Anti-Litter Contest Open to K-6 Students

Entries are now being accepted for the Litter Hawk Youth Award Program, a way for students in kindergarten through sixth grade to promote anti-littering efforts through art, words or video.

Two entries will be selected as winners in each grade level. First place will receive a $50 gift card. First runner-up will receive a $25 gift card. All participants will be recognized with certificates. The deadline to participate is Jan. 31. Winners will be announced in April.

Kids can participate individually or as part of a lesson initiated by schools, home-schools, scout troops, 4-H clubs, environmental clubs or other organized groups. More information and entry forms are available here.

Monday is Martin Luther King Jr. Day

“I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character.”

Nearly 60 years after he shared his dream in an Aug. 28, 1963, Washington, D.C. speech, Martin Luther King Jr.’s wish is shared by the overwhelming number of Americans of all backgrounds. We must defend this unifying ideal for the well-being of our children and nation.


If you have a question about the information in this e-newsletter or other state related matters that you would like a response to, please click HERE to submit your inquiry through my website. This will help to ensure that we are able to respond to your question in a timely fashion due to the high volume of emails and the ever growing amount of computer generated spam mail we receive daily.

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